Jun 13, 2012


Running Time: 144 minutes
Media: DVD

I bought this DVD some time last week and made it an objective to see this movie as soon as I could... I sat through it, rather enjoying it, but I was blown away at how this story line managed to stretch for almost two-and-a-half hours...

The premise of this movie is that Peter Pan (Robin Williams) grows up, falling in love with Wendy's grand-daughter, eventually getting married and having two kids, and a cushy job in mergers and acquisitions... Peter Pan, now known as Peter Banning eventually forgets who he is, or rather, was, and when his kids get kidnapped by Captain James Hook, played by Dustin Hoffman... He has to find his way back to Never Land with the aid of Tinkerbell (Julia Roberts) and not only find his kids, but also the person he lost along the way, himself.

What amazes me is that this film seems shorter than it really is, in retrospect, I'm not sure how they did it to be honest... But then again, given it's directed by Steven Spielberg it becomes a little easier to comprehend how such a feat is possible...

The transformation from a total nigel that Williams's character starts off as Peter Banning, to something a little more suited to his playfulness as Peter Pan is enjoyable to watch. Hoffman's portrayal of Hook is pleasant at first, but then becomes a little over the top as the movie progresses... Cameos pad the movie here and there with Gwyneth Paltrow and Phil Collins, and the performances by Banning's kids are kinda ho-hum. Most of the enjoyment from the film either comes from Williams and his interaction with Hoffman or Williams and his interaction with the Lost Boys...

The movie overall kinda drones on and on, and yet is enjoyable at the same time... This is confusing for one to process, seeing that the movie is both enjoyable and yet long-winded... So, while I did enjoy Hook considerably, I am still inclined to award the movie 3½ stars.

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