Jan 23, 2012

Definitely, Maybe

Running Time: 112 minutes.
Media: DVD.
Definitely, Maybe is one of those films that although it is a "romantic comedy" by genre, is not a romantic comedy which promises you a kind of happily ever after - and that "all your dreams are gonna come true" It's about how dreams often don't come true, and that love and marriage can end up in divorce. This is a realistic movie which really takes you on a journey with Ryan Reynolds' character, William Hayes, an advertising executive, who tells his daughter about his life before marriage and how he ended up meeting his mother and the other women that came into his life.

Abigail Breslin, who seems to be popping up almost everywhere nowadays, plays Maya, William's daughter... a very inquisitive, and fairly switched on ten year-old, who is caught up in the midst of her father's divorce and is the one who tries to work out, along with the audience, which of the three female leads, Emily (played by Elizabeth Banks), April (played by Isla Fisher), or Summer (played by Rachel Weisz) is her mother in the story that Will tells her.

You get carried along with the story, and you kinda feel caught up in Ryan's quest for some sort of balance to help him get through his transition from a young man in 1994, to a father in 2008. Having been down a similar path to the character of Will, I couldn't help but feel a few twangs in the old heart-strings when it came to the point that Maya realizes that things didn't quite work out for the best, but there was still a happy ending to the story... And yes, I shed a tear at this point... I am a sensitive guy, I won't deny it...

This movie keeps the audience glued to their seats, but not in a thriller kind of way, but more of a "I'd love to see how this all turns out" kind of way, and there's good reason behind it... This was by far a more refreshing change to the usual standard that one sees in romantic comedies nowadays. Definitely, Maybe gets top billing here, with five stars.

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