Sep 4, 2012

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

Running Time: 116 minutes.
Media: DVD.

Matthew McConaughey is a bit of a hero of mine, only in the sense that he seems to be the kind of gentleman actor who always ends up getting the girl in the end in whatever movie he's in... well, 90% of the time... so long as it's an action movie or a romantic comedy (of which this is definitely the latter and not the former.)

In fact, I would say that any romantic comedy that Matthew has starred in or will ever star in will raise the testosterone levels a considerable notch as he always seems to ramp up such levels up to a point where you can sit there and enjoy the McConaughey-ness of the movie, without reaching a point where you're spitting or scratching your private parts... Also most McConaughey-based romantic comedies usually come with a fairly wonderful cast, inclusive of an equally wonderful leading lady... of which How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days does so in spades, with the ever lovely Kate Hudson...

The plot is such that he's been challenged to woo Kate Hudson over in ten days, in order to win an exclusive carte-blanche over the advertising account of a diamond supplier in Europe. What he doesn't know is that there is a similar bet for Kate to date McConaughey and over 10 days destroy him completely to the point that he will break up with her...

So it results in boy meets girl, girl drives boy crazy, boy charms girl... All seems to go well until both actually fall for one another... So when the truth comes out, the remaining twenty or so minutes are spent trying to reach that "happily ever after" cliché of one trying to win the other back... I know it's a tried and tested formula, but it can, after a number of these movies, get quite tedious... And you long for a plot twist that only M. Night Shyamalan can provide...

Still, this isn't one of those "chick flicks" that make men grow a uterus... Despite the slight immaturity that some people may see in a number of characters played by McConaughey in movies both recent and previous, he pulls off his character spectacularly and gains respect from both male and female audiences alike... Hudson balances out McConaughey perfectly, forming a wonderful yin-yang combination.

I award "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" 4½ stars... Probably one of the highest ratings I've given to a chic- er, I mean, romantic comedy... Well, at least since reviewing Knight and Day... ;)

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