Mar 28, 2012


Running Time: 100 minutes.
Media: DVD.
This film, I must admit is a bit of a mind-f[CENSORED]k to a degree... Let me be honest here, we're dealing with an angel, Michael, the archangel, no less, who falls to Earth, cuts his wings off and tries to stop an apocalypse of epic proportions and save the cigarette-smoking mother-to-be of what is to be the savior of mankind.

Paul Bettany comes across as the very serious, and very well-armed archangel Michael; with Kevin Durand (known for his role as Fred J. Dukes, aka Blob from X-Men Origins: Wolverine) as the archangel Gabriel, Michael's "nemesis". Other old-school actors like Dennis Quaid, Charles S. Dutton, Tyrese Gibson, and Kate Walsh join the cast as well as a number of unknowns including some weird-ass old lady who likes to crawl up ceilings, and an ice-cream truck driver who makes the Frankenstein monster seem tame by comparison...

Movie review websites Rotten Tomatoes, Dread Central and all gave reviews for this film with ratings between 10-20% and to be perfectly honest, I can see why.. This film is kinda pathetic, it's an apocalypse supernatural thriller film thinly disguised to be a serious apocalypse supernatural thriller. There's supposed deep and meaningful moments that contrast heavily amongst the somewhat bad acting that make the actors on Saved by the Bell seem like Emmy Award-winning actors. Durand, for some reason sounds too poetic and softly spoken in this film... Quaid's performance is wooden, and I'm starting to think he's been losing his touch after Vantage Point came out in 2008.

As this is the first time I've seen this movie, I had had some expectations, but I found this to be a considerable disappointment. I have decided to give this movie one star... Yes, that's right... one star... this is the lowest official rating I have given for a film and to be perfectly honest... I'm starting to think the film Michael, starring John Travolta was a far better film than this... And even for me that's a bit of a stretch... Legion is a hundred minutes of my life that I will never get back...

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